If you have just moved, or are about to move to Abbots Park, the Residents’ Association would like to welcome you and to pass on some information which you may find useful.
An extended version of this information is available to residents from the committee. Additional information is also contained in the APRA Constitution and the Scheme of Management.
The Residents’ Association manage the gardens and take up issues which affect the residents. The AGM takes place in October and all residents are welcome to attend though tenants do not have voting rights. We would like to encourage as many of you as possible to come along and have your say. Committee members are elected each year and work very hard on everyone’s behalf, using their own time to try to help with problems and work towards improving the estate.
If you would like to contribute to the work of running the Association, please contact us at – secretary@abbotspark.co.uk
If you wish to contact APRA by post or you wish to send documents to the committee, please email any member of the committee and they will provide you with an appropriate mailing address to use (see Contact Us page). Or please use our general email address: secretary@abbotspark.co.uk
Our committee

Claire Nash

Joanna Rose
Townhouses Rep

Mark Champion

Vinay Chegu
Acting Treasurer

Dan Johnson
North Flats Rep

Hywel Farnhill




Tree's with TPO's
Our Committee
The committee has done an enormous amount of hard work recently on the gardens. Legislation protects many of our trees. More than one hundred of them have tree preservation orders. This means that we have to apply to St Albans City and District Council for permission to carry out work on them.

Area's of Abbots Park
Some areas of Abbots Park are cultivated by the residents and add greatly to the look of the estate – e.g. the borders round the flats, the balconies, the area in front of the townhouses, the strip at the back of the townhouses, and a corner near the garages.
Parking & Garages
Townhouses have their own garage and a parking space. Flats and maisonettes have their own parking bays.
Some of the garages in the blocks at the back of the estate are owned by residents, some rented. If you wish to rent one, please contact the managing agent.

Residents Association
The Residents’ Association aims to make Abbots Park a better place for everyone who lives there. If you are interested in helping that would be much appreciated, or if you have any suggestions or queries please contact us at secretary@abbotspark.co.uk