St ALBANs District
Welcome to Neighbourhood Watch and becoming part of the family for the street.
The essence of Neighbourhood Watch is that we look after each other’s interests and have to hand clear instructions on what to do in the event of a “problem”, such as a stranger clearly acting in what you consider to be a suspicious manner.
Each road is divided up into sections with a Co-ordinator or helper looking after that part of the road, but you can help as well. The Police will contact these helpers if they wish to tell you all about a crime or crimes that have happened or may possibly happen in our locality. These co-ordinators/helpers will then pass the information onto the houses nearest to them. In an ideal world this could be done be electronic mail between neighbours, but often involves a copy of a message being delivered to your door.
If you want the Police to react immediately, call 999.
For something that in your judgement is less than an immediate emergency, call the Police on 0845 33 00 222. In both cases Remember to ask for the “log” or “report” number, Say you are from Neighbourhood Watch and always ask for “Feedback”.
In case of need, it would be useful if you all exchange home, work and mobile numbers plus an email address, if you are on-line.
The co-ordinator/helpers have been given basic information by the Police on Improving house security and “Marking” valuable possessions.
The co-ordinators can provide you with this information, as well as window stickers that advertise NHWatch and others that make it clear that casual door salesmen are unwelcome. They also have a list of very useful phone numbers.
If you see something that you consider to be suspicious phone the police on either of the numbers above. If a house is involved, also phone the people that live there and / or your nearest co-ordinator.

OWL – Keep up to date with the latest from the online watch link
Neighbourhood watch / Community Safety Unit,
St Albans Police Station
St Albans
Tel: 01727-79-6087. Fax:01727-79-6009
Contact; Ken Lane (Watch Liaison Officer),
useful numbers
Crime Prevention Officer – PC Sue Allen – 01727 796020
Police – Highways Issues – PC Jack Carson (St Albans District) – 01707 638005
Emercency – call 999, ask for service (Hertfordshire). Say you are Neighbourhood Watch –
ALWAYS ask for Log number – ALWAYS ask for NHW to be put in the text – ASK for feed back.
Non-emergency – 0845 33 00 222. Replaces local police station number, but PLEASE request as above.
01727 866100
(gen. office)
Website for SADC
(Remember – your Customer services number.)
Out of Hours
01727 811155
Fly Tipping
01727 819285
Pest control
01727 819440
Recycling and Refuse
01727 819285
Abandoned Vehicles
01727 819391
Flooding (Highways)
01438 737320
Street Lighting (Highways)
01438 737320
Noise nuisence – Out of Hours
01727 819406
Potholes 01438 737320
Dog Warden
01727 819371
Health & Safety
01727 819440
Food Complaints
01727 819440
Electricity – Loss of supply
0800 7 838 838
Environmental Agency (gen.enq)
0845 933 311
Floodline (Environmental Agency)
0845 988 1188
Gas Emergencies
0800 111 999
National Train Information
0845 48 49 50
NHS Direct (24hour healthcare)
0845 46 47
Royal Mail (Customr Service)
0845 740 740
Thames Water (Sewerage/drains)
0845 920 08 00
Three Valleys Water – Emergencies
0845 782 33 33
Three Valleys Water – Leakspotters
0800 376 5325
Trading Standards
0845 6044466
Car Alarms / Security
Use the Home Office website Thatcham systems –